Sunday, January 21, 2007

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do...

No one likes to break up, at least no one I know. However, if you are dating or in a relationship, chances are you will break up everytime you are in a relationship, except of course for the person you eventually marry. And that may also end in divorce in these times.

Anywho, there are ways to go about breaking up which will be easier to handle on both sides.

1. Seek advice. If you are in doubt about whether to break up or not, talk it over with a trusted individual. Other people who are not involved are more able to see things that you may not be able to. They are able to analyze things without all the emotional involvement you have.

2. Act on your decision. Should you decide to break up, follow up with action. Do not hesitate. This may be classified as leading the other person on and this is never a good thing. Also, don't swayed by promises of change and so on. Stick with your decision once you have made it.

3. Think about the other person's feelings. You once cared a great deal for this person. Do not bring up negative things that have happened in the past. That is exactly where they are, in the past. There is no need to bring them up to the present again. Instead, focus on the good times that you had together. The other person needs to know that despite you breaking up, he or she is still a great person.

4. Let it be known to the other person that you were not perfect also. No one is. Figure out what went wrong and how you had contributed to things ending up the way they did.

5. Be honest with the person. Tell them the real reason or reasons that you are breaking up for. That person deserves at least to know why you are ending things. Even though it may hurt that person hearing it, it will only serve to make him or her a better person in the next relationship, (unless they choose not to learn and grow from their experiences).

6. Pick a good time and place to do the break up. Choose a place where you are able to talk and not feel self conscious.

7. Let some time pass before you decide to see each other again. Give yourself some time to heal. Be careful of how you act with this person so as to not give the other person false hope that you may get back together. Keep it simple.



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