Monday, January 01, 2007

Is It Love or Just An Infatuation?

Infatuation is an instant desire. Love is a friendship that has grown overtime and which grows with each passing day.

Infatuation always has at it's base insecurity. One is never sure, there are doubts clouding one's mind. You do not wish to acknowledge certain things because you want to see this person as perfect. Love is knowing that this person is yours and that no matter how far away you may be or how much time separates you, you are there for each other and the relationship can withstand this distance and time. Love is the knowledge and acceptance that this person is not perfect.

Infatuation is the notion that you have to act and act quickly. It is the feeling that if you do not move in together, get married, then you will lose your chance. Love is patience. Knowing that you have time and that you should not hurry. There is time to plan for the best outcome.

Infatuation is based on sex. You cannot wait to see that person in order to have sex. Sex is one of the main highlights in infatuation. You mainly look forward to that sexual act whenever you come in contact with the other person. Love is much more than sex. You can be with each other without needing sex from the other person. In love, when sex does happen, it has a much deeper meaning than just pure sexual desire and excitement.

Infatuation has an air of lack of confidence. When you are not together, you wonder if that person is being unfaithful. You become suspicious and prone to jealousy. Love means trust. You do not need to be jealous because you are secure in the relationship.

Infatuation may lead you to do things you normally would not do. Negative things. You may start ignoring people in your life to be with this person. Love will lift you up. It will motivate you to become a better person.


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