Sunday, January 14, 2007

How To Have A Successful Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships are hard work! First of all, relationships themselves are hard work! Add some long distance to that and you've got your work set out for you. Of course, like all relationships, if you do your work to keep the relationship healthy, then it should be good. But the other person should also be doing his or her share of the work as well. It's a two way street.

I think it boils down to one necessity, and I will write this in bold letters: COMMUNICATION! There is no relationship without communication, especially when it comes to LD's. Because you are both not physically together most of the time, this is all that you have to keep things going.

We hear it all over and all the time that long distance relationships never work out. Well, that is not true. I don't know about this personally unfortunately. I have had a couple LD's, I am in one right now as a matter of fact, but like I said, without communication, you have nothing. Those couples who do make it knew what worked and they worked hard at keeping the other person happy.

Other things that determine whether LD's will work out is age, distance apart and for how long you will be apart. Two fifteen year olds will more than likely not be able to carry on a long distance for very long because they are too young. Now two adults may be able to make it work even though there are thousands of miles between them.

All in all, if two people are committed to each other and to making things work no matter how hard it will be and that they will have very good communication in letting each other know what is going on with them and what they need, they have a very good chance of ending up together in the end.



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